Sunday, September 6, 2009

Three Generations

E, L and I waited all day for the rain to clear.  Then, we got a surprise visit from Grandpa Bob.  I guess we were supposed to wait today because we finally found our window of blue (enough) sky around 5 pm and then we were three generations, two bikes, a dog and off and running.

I was grateful today for my dad and my children who are both amazing and humbling reminders of how I got here and how I'm getting there.  They are patient with me and gracious to me as I stumble along trying to become the woman God put me here to be.  I hope I remember to be the same with them in return.

I love that I still get to run (and have to work to keep up) with my dad who turned 63 this year.  I love that we share a love for being outside and particularly running.  I love that my children get to see this. 

I'm glad our blue sky came late today.

1 comment:

travelin' nan said...

OK, so I feel a little like the teacher guy in Kung Fu, "Well, done Grasshopper."
I am delighted that we can learn from each other. You encourage me to keep getting out there, even when it rains, and to keep "being" with the people with which God has us sharing the path in this life.
Keep the candle burning.