Wednesday, October 28, 2009


My friend Nan posted a status on FB recentlly illuding to a John Mayer's song "Say" that stuck with me.  It is about saying what you need to say and it being good to do so even when it's hard.  Remembering liking the song myself, I downloaded the song from iTunes and it's continued to stick with me.

I've been pondering what a blessing it is to have friends (and if you're lucky, family) with whom you can, "say what you need to say".  Those who with their hearts and ears somehow manage to listen to us.  To the good, the bad, the happy and the sad.

I think of how FB let's us share the simple things we need to say and how much our close knit group of friends appreciates this vehicle to stay in touch during this busy time in our lives.  I think we sometimes forget that we're sharing with more than 5-10 of our closest, but I think God uses this.

I think of how friendships from long ago can be rekindled.  And even when we don't know when we'll connect next, we give each other the freedom to just, "say it" and we are gracious enough to "hear it".  Like in the old days, but better because I think whichever end you're on in the moment, we appreciate the gift more now.

I thought particularly of this concept as my friend Nan called every couple of days to touch base with me while running up and down I-5 to tending to her ailing sister.  The calls would be short; the years under our belt requiring very few words.  But, there was no doubt that we could "say" and it was safe; a touchstone for us both during what at the moment are very hard times.  I treasured these moments with my friend Nan.

I am blessed to be able to "say what I need to say" and hope to never stop working on listening with love and graciousness.


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